Monday, October 01, 2007

T Minus Five Days

Until I leave my job and start a new one. I'm happy for sure. But sad too. You can't be in a relationship (work or personal) and not feel some sadness about it being over even if you know it's the right thing for you. While there have been good and bad things about my job, it has allowed me to do and live where I wanted on my terms. It let me be there for my family when my Dad was sick. It gave me my confidence back after working at the entertainment PR firm where I was beaten up emotionally.

So yes, of course I'm happy to move on to the next, better thing. But I'm sad to leave this behind. Sad that the one big thing other than my love for my friends in LA that held me there was this job. It let me see some of the people I love the most far more often than I would have if I just moved to NY with a new job. But I will be back there someday. I can never stay away too long. I have been talking a lot about how much I miss LA. I'm not sure if that will ever leave me. I still talk about missing VA and I haven't lived there permanently since I was 24.

I like to think that maybe someday G and I will move back to LA. Back to Hermosa. Who knows. It's not that farfetched. I know it would be hard to be far away from my family again but I also know that G is my family. And we will someday grow that family. So how can I have everything? Someone needs to convince my sister to move to CA and then I know my parents would follow. So I'm putting it out into the universe that my sister's husband get some awesome opportunity in CA to start his own gym. And then we will all move there. :)

My parents can live in Loyalton and come to LA whenever the winter weather gets too bad. They will always have somewhere to stay and get to enjoy seeing their grandchildren whenever they wish. Okay universe, get going.

1 comment:

Hip Girlz said...

Yes!! Yes!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!