Friday, July 13, 2007

Sorry it's been so long!

It's been a busy few weeks. G and I went to Spain for my good friend M's wedding. Then I was just at our family reunion down in NC at the beach. I managed to spend some time with all my family and see my friend S a few of the nights which was great. All in all I have been spoiled with vacations and am now having a very tough time getting back into work. I'll manage somehow.

As for Spain, I cannot say enough how great of a time we had there. M's wedding was incredible but even more so was getting to see and experience Spain again. I had forgotten just how much I truly love the culture and lifestyle of that country. Sitting in a cafe having Manchego cheese, drinking vino tinto on the Plaza de Santa Ana, going topless in Conil. I think in my next life I need to be a Spanaird.

My family reunion was equally enjoyable since it's always nice to see all my cousins and immediate family. I spent a lot of time just soaking up SLY and seeing how fast she has grown. She is almost speaking in full sentences now which came as quite a shock from last month even. It all happens so fast. But that's life I suppose. We just have to remember to slow down every once in a while, sit in a cafe and enjoy the people walking by. I vow to do that more often moving forward.

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