Monday, October 02, 2006

Did you know the fourth largest mall in America is in Houston? That's right, you heard it here first. It comes close to the biggest mall I have ever encountered not including SouthCoast plaza of course. We were in Houston this past weekend for the wedding of our good buddy J. The wedding was lovely and the reception was at Rice University. A beautiful campus I must say. And I really enjoyed Houston surprisingly. I say surprisingly since I guess I assumed that since Texas is so conservative that I would hate everyone there but everyone was actually really really nice and I got a good dose of southern hospitality. Other than participating in Houston's favorite pastime (shopping), G and I did what every red-blooded American should do in Houston, we visited the space center. I got SLY this great shirt that has the NASA logo on it and it says, "I need my space." ha. Not sure why but that just cracks me up. :) We also visited the Museum of Fine Arts where there was an exhibit called Best in Show with all this art featuring our four legged friends, doggies. Very cute. There was also a little cat exhibit but it was kind of creepy and there was a flat screen showing a cat lapping up milk on a loop. A little weird. The museum is fantabulous though and I highly recommend it if you visit. I thought of my good friend J while looking over some Rothkos and other artists I know she loves.

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