Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Still can't hear...but couldn't STAND being at home any longer. I think I could work remotely for sure but I would have to be able to go out of the apartment sometimes which was not really an option given how snotty I still was yesterday. But today, much better despite how insane I'm still feeling with the steroids. I think I have roid rage. ha! I'm off to the doctor again tomorrow morning to see if there are other things they can do to help the hearing issue. I know my ears are really inflamed but come on people! A whole week of this? I had to cancel going to B's wedding this weekend since I don't think all the travel will be good for me. In fact I know it wouldn't but I still feel really bad about it. But that will mean I can relax this weekend and perhaps do a load of laundry since I have been so far under a rock this past week.

1 comment:

Hip Girlz said...

how come I didn't know that you had a blog?! That's insanity. Maybe you told me and I just forgot. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I'm coming to NYC this weekend. Will call you with deets. Hope you're around love. :)