Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Baby Baby Baby!

I'm back in NY now from what I like to think was a very successful baby shower thank you very much. And thank Mom very much. And thank everyone else who helped us put it all together. And thank H for getting pregnant so we have an excuse to get together to eat pink cupcakes! H looked radiant in her beautiful dress and got a lot of great gifts. I can't wait to see the baby's room now that she has all the fun bedding in it!

New York has been lovely the past few weeks. I have been enjoying that feeling spring brings of wanting to shed a layer of pounds and clothing. It's yet another fun thing about being on this coast again. This morning I was discussing some of the things that make NY well NY. Here are a few fun tidbits:

- if you are waiting in line, people in NY say you are "waiting ON-line" (mental note to not make fun of G anymore for saying this since he can't help it, it's how they do it here
- coffee regular - means you want coffee with milk and sugar
- when you get a bagel from H&H bagel you ask what is still waaaaahhhhhrm (insert accent)
- if you are a guy, no matter your age and you are purchasing something at a deli, coffee cart, etc. then your name is BOSS (how cool is that?)
- when you refer to a freeway you don't say the 405 like in LA or I-95 like in DC, you say it's name so it's The Van Wick or whatever

Once again proving I am a fountain of useless knowledge.


Nanette said...

Glad the shower went off without a hitch!

And I love all that fun NYC trivia! Keep it coming! :)

Gregak said...
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Gregak said...

Actually its the Van Wyck. And you would also ask what's warm at a pizza place. But remember its a pie.