Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lazy Christmas Card Writer

I normally don't do this or at least I don't admit it but this year, towards the end, I have just been sending holiday cards out to those that sent them to me. To be honest, I'm proud of myself for even sending them at all given the last two insane months I have had.

My mom and I were joking about sending an anti-holiday letter to people. I know, how ba-humbug of us but we thought it would be kind of funny. Something like the following:

Dear XXX,

2007 was a year filled with wonderment and happiness as K and G settled into living in New York and SLY turned 2 years old. We took many trips including one to the outer banks North Carolina with the whole P clan. K and G traveled to Spain, Mexico and many cities in between.

And then October came. J found out he had cancer again and it was a downward sucky spiral until the holidays. Merry effing Christmas.

I know, I know, harrible. But it would be pretty funny to send that out to people!

But seriously, cancer and other crazy family issues aside, I'm happy. I have a great life. I have a husband that I love very much, a job that is challenging me (sometimes too much), friends that I adore and what I consider to be one of the best families out there. I'm blessed and I know it. I know that I'm thankful for every day I get. And every day I have with my father, with my husband, with the deli guy who delivered my coffee and bagel to my front door this morning. I'm lucky and I haven't forgotten that.

But an anti-holiday letter would still freaking crack me up. Love, Me

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