Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Quote for today:
Be sincere; be brief; be seated." --Franklin D. Roosevelt, Thirty-second U.S. president

I made chicken cacciatore last night for dinner. It was not too bad but WAY too many green peppers for my taste. JC said I should try it with mushrooms. I will not give up yet then.

Tonight I'm having dinner with my friend TG from LA. I'm excited to try a new restaurant here in the city. I could literally eat out every single meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a year and never eat anywhere twice for a year. It's nuts how many options there are.

The UN is having all kinds of meetings here this week so I have had to walk to work since the bus runs right into where all the streets are blocked off. I think I will continue walking to work from now until it gets too cold. Thank you UN for disrupting mid town east siiiiiddddeee.

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