Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday, Tuesday da da da da da da
Have you ever thought about what a useless day Tuesday is? I say this all the time. Think about it. Monday, you just had a weekend so it's not so bad. Wednesday is HUMP DAY. Thursday is ALMOST Friday. And Friday is of course Friday. And Saturday/Sunday, don't need to comment. But Tuesday, a pointless day. So I have decided that I have to make Tuesday something really unique. I have to figure out a reason for Tuesday. So far, I am thinking of it as my laundry/making dinner night. But that is just not exciting. I think maybe I'll make this the night I do yoga so I will have it to look forward to. oooooo, perfect! Okay, now must find yoga class.

In other news, I'm thinking of taking a class on being a life coach. I just think I might be really good at that. I need to talk to Mo more about it.

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