Monday, January 22, 2007

Success again! We bought a new bookcase this weekend! Our apartment has furniture in it! I'm very excited and now it's on to looking for the coffee table. I'm attaching a photo of the bookcase so you can drool over it's beauty. har har. G and I also spent the better half of the weekend shopping and looking for tickets to our frient M's wedding in Spain. We managed to score some almost free tickets by using miles so we are going for a week in June. I cannot believe it. M is getting married in Granada where I studied in college so I can't wait to take G to my old stomping grounds. Other than that I made a very yummy "Wintry Stew" on Sunday night which we will be having again tonight. I forgot how much fun it was to make wintry type food. Ah, yet another good thing about cold weather!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

Glad to hear you're settling in NYC nicely!

By the way, I had a dream last night that a bunch of us old co-workers got together at some bar recently, including you! :)